Ellis, Lisa and Suda, Sasha (Eds). (2016). Small Wonders: Gothic Boxwood Miniatures, exhibition catalogue, 5 November 2016 - 22 January 2017. Toronto, ON: Art Gallery of Ontario. [p. 40, 52, 53, 96]
Émile Molinier. Collection du Baron Albert Oppenheim: Tableaux et objects d'art, catalogue précédé d'une introduction. Paris: Librairie Centrale des Beaux-Arts, 1904. no. 93, p. 41, pl. LXII; Williamson, G.C. Catalogue of the Collections of Jewels and Precious Works of Art: the property of J. Pierpont Morgan. London: Chiswick Press, 1910. no. 39, pp. 63-64, pl. XXIII; Tangerman, E. J. Whittling and woodcarving. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1936. p. 254, fig. 386, 387; Kurt Dingelstedt, “Betnuss” Reallexikon zur deutschen Kunstgeschichte I Edited by Otto Schmitt (Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 1948): pp. 377-378; Portland Art Museum. Masterworks in Wood. The Christian Tradition : an exhibition, the Portland Art Museum, Portland, Oregon, November 12, 1975 through January 4, 1976. Portland, OR, 1976. no. 33